Monday, January 17, 2011

19th Century Prosperity






This picture of a prosperous couple, middle or upper middle class, was taken sometime from the late nineteenth to early twentieth century. Perhaps a professional person, broker or business owner. Typically a couple like this would have had live-in servants, at least a cook, maid and housekeeper. In their younger days, a governess for any children. Probably horses and at least one carriage. If this image was taken in the twentieth century, possibly a car. Their house would have been large and have well maintained gardens. His suits would have been hand tailored, and she would employ a dress maker. He would most likely have been a member of a club which would bar women. Because marriages were for life, and divorce was a scandal, the man may have kept a mistress, and his wife, with no other options in life, would have accepted it as normal.

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