Friday, July 27, 2018

The Here, There, and Everywhere Collection-Mystery Location

When I pulled this one out of the envelope, I was sure I had seen this place in real, as opposed to photographic life.  I've been thinking about this one for awhile, and I'm leaning towards a dam somewhere in southern Arizona.  I have memories of driving through the mountains, going around a curve and being on top of a dam, maybe on the Salt River, maybe somewhere else.  I mean, I can't imagine these four gentlemen, and the fifth, the photographer, saying to themselves, "Hey, what an ordinary wall next to a road, let's all stop the car and take a picture!"  At least that's my impression.

There's not that much more to go, but I think I'm going to leave the last of The Here, There, and Everywhere Collection (Remember to click in labels to see more.) for another time.

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