Monday, July 2, 2018

Nita Borka, Contortionist

For those who are not old enough, many years ago, there was something called The Ed Sullivan Show.  Ed Sullivan had been a newspaper columnist on the New York Broadway beat.  Despite the fact the he wasn't particularly telegenic, and far from charismatic, Ed Sullivan became one of the early stars of network television.  Every Sunday night he hosted a variety show.  While he booked some pretty big acts, and made rock & roll mainstream, he also booked these weird novelty acts that probably hadn't worked since vaudeville died.  Personally, I liked the plate spinners. 

There's a label on the back of this photo that I've translated from German.  Well, actually Google Translate did that, but I did type it in.  "Photo is the property of the artist.  Please do not hesitate to return to agency G. Schnitzler.  HAMBURG 13-Innocentiastr. 12."  Well, Innocentiastr. is an abbreviation, str. is probably strasse, or street.  Innocentia doesn't come up as German, but does mean harmless in Latin.  So, for what it's worth.  There's a second stamp, "Photo reproduction Garloff & Richter, Magdeburg."  And a third, all abbreviations, "Reg. Nr.  IV-14-68."  Good bet that means April, 14, 1968. 

What's intersting is that Hamburg was in West Germany, while Magdeburg was in the East.  Perhaps by 1968, a contortionist wasn't sophisticated enough for the more advanced west, but  in East Germany, Nita Borka could still make a living. 

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