Friday, October 6, 2023

The Trips Album 1


If I were being completely honest, this blog would be called The Recently Purchased Photography since almost every image I've posted was bought at a thrift store, antique store, flea market, or online.  Every once in a while, however, I actually find photos and this new collection is truly found photography.  

Anyway, I was walking to the pharmacy to get a flu shot and the latest COVID update, when I passed by a stack of garbage, on the curb, waiting for pickup by the trash collectors, when I caught sight of a rather large photo album just sticking out of a large, black garbage bag.  After making sure it wasn't covered by rotting food or some other nasty thing I wouldn't want in my home, I grabbed it, stuffed it into my pack, and hurried off to get needles stuck in my arm. 

So, when I write that this album is large, it's not just the sheer number of photos, but also, its dimensions.  I couldn't get a scan of the album cover, so I had to take a photo with my cell phone camera.  It was when I tried to scan the first page that I had to decide just how anal I was going to be about getting every inch of information posted.  To make a long story short, after experimenting with posting the entire album page to show placement by doing it in sections, and then seeing just how unevenly lit a phone pic was, well let's just say that the date, 1971, got cropped a bit and I'm just going to have to live with it.  

I don't know how long it's going to take to post this entire album.  More than likely I'll go back to using one post to show the whole album page for placement and then do the individual photos in a separate post.  Something to look forward to, there will be a couple of posts with no photos at all.  The owner has some written pages that are kind of interesting.  So, click on The Trips Collection in labels to see everything, though it could be a while until the whole album is up for viewing. 

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