Sunday, December 29, 2019

Duke & Diane

As a rule, I don't show the decorative borders found on many old photographs.  Most are pretty much the same and unless a particular border is unique, I kind of figure, if you've seen one, you've seen them all. 

So, information on the back of the print.  "Dec. 27, 1935.  Duke & Diane Andrews. Taken at 1228 S. Wisconsin Ave. Berwyn, Ill.  9-7 years."  Let's start with the obvious, the helmet Duke is wearing is probably a Christmas present.  Football, would be my best guess, though in an era that was mad about aviation, it could also be a flyer's helmet.  The leather jacket was also the type of clothing worn by early, open cockpit aviators, so perhaps Duke wanted to be like his hero Charles Lindbergh.  There is a dark blob against the wall that I think could be a dog.  I tried looking up the names on line but pretty much struck out.  Diane Andrews is too common of a name.  Also, if she got married, any mention would have probably been by her married name.  Duke is probably a nickname which doesn't really help, though there is a Duke Andrews basketball league in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.  A connection?  Perhaps, but impossible to tell.  And finally, Berwyn is a suburb of Chicago. 

Bold choice for an amateur photographer, taking a picture next to light patterns from the window, which is very difficult to print. 

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