Friday, April 19, 2019


I don't want to come off as some sort of weirdo who sees cross dressers everywhere.  Just a few posts ago the woman in the photo seemed kind of masculine to me and I couldn't help but speculate.  And, here we go again.  After scanning this fairly small photo, I blew it up and couldn't help but notice the broad forehead and strong chin.  The hands seemed kind of large.  But what really made me wonder was the hair.  What's visible looks like it's cut short on top, far closer in appearance to the guys hair in this image.  All three photos have something written on them.  The top, "Crazy fails thought they had pretty legs."  The second, "Big kids" on the front lower border, and on the back, "Same two boys &  myself."  The hand writing is a bit different, and too, black ink on the front, red on the back.  I scanned the back of the third print to show the lipstick print, but there is some weird implications in what's written.  To start with,  Eddie would normally be male, while Edie would be female.  Eddie Bauer versus Edie Falco. Sedgwick, Brickell, just to give a few examples.  Also, who ever wrote this makes o's and a's , not necessarily the same, but close enough that Eddie Boys and Eddie Bays are both equally possible, and if it's Eddie Boys it could be a subtle hint.  And finally, just read the whole thing.  "The girl-Eddie Boys (Bays) are a couple Ed and I went with for a while."  Are Eddie and Ed the same person?

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