Monday, June 18, 2018

Copyright, Helen Bruce

This one has a very weird detail.  The first and third photos in the column have what looks like a homemade copyright on the border.  Why does someone feel the need to declare a copyright on family snapshots? 

Written on the back of the top photo, "Mother, Dorthy, & David July 1956."  The second, "David July 1956."  The bottom, "Cal, Carol & David July 1956." 

Note the small Kodak camera in the third photo.


  1. I don't think it's a copyright symbol, but instead an ampersand. Maybe it was just shorthand to say where the photos were taken: @ Helen Bru.... Likely someone who did shorthand for a living and they were just used to abbreviating things.

    1. Isn't this & an ampersand? I guessed a copyright symbol because I think of @ as something from the computer age, though after some research, I found out that symbol can be found as early as the 16th century. And welcome back again.

    2. Yes, I am wrong. That's what late night reading and writing on Ambien does. The "at sign" is what I meant, though some call it ampersat.

      I keep trying to come back and stay, but being a caregiver sort of makes you lose yourself. You just notice you aren't there anymore.
