Thursday, September 9, 2021

Otto From Wurzberg


Otto Patzig, photographer from Wurzburg, Germany.  Well, I couldn't find much about Otto.  One very brief mention that he was a photographer and painter from the city.  Apparently a minor one, since I couldn't find any images of his paintings and the only photos I could find were other CDVs for sale on eBay, which is where I got this one.  I liked the hat.  Maybe a student, maybe a minor government functionary, but not military. 

Wurzburg, on the other hand, lots of info on the city.  Some of the low lights.  Between 1626 and 1631 there were witch trials with somewhere between 600 and 900 executions.  All burned alive.  On August 2, 1819, the Hep-Hep riots started in the city and eventually spread, first through Bavarian and then the rest of Germany.  The Hep-Hep riots were anti Jewish, so a precursor of things to come in Germany.  During World War 2 a sub unit of the Flossenburg concentration camp was located in the city.  And finally, on the night of March 16, 1945, a bombing run carried out by British Lancaster bombers destroyed 90% of Wurzburg.  Not an end, by the way.  A rebuild and restoration.

1 comment:

  1. Patzig (1822-1885) (born in Saxony) was painter, Lithograph, and director of the Wurzburgian Art School (since 1860).
    The young man in the photograph is surely not Patzig, but a student customer.
