Friday, August 23, 2024

A Vacation in Hamburg 4


No, I haven't lost interest in this blog.  As I mentioned a few posts ago, money is tight right now, so I'm not buying a lot of old photos.  It's not that the actual photographs are all that expensive, but I buy a lot of my images at antique stores I pass on my way out of L.A., and I just can't afford to travel right now.  So, rather than letting things go too long, I'm returning to this small collection of true-found photographs.  Literally, I found them on the street.  A couple of these are dated "July 1989" so I'm going to assume they are all from the same year, if not the same month.  We've got some stylish young Germans in the top photo, and a couple of snapshots with murals painted on the walls.  I've speculated about this in an earlier post.  Much of Hamburg was destroyed in World War 2, and I was wondering if Hamburg was trying to evoke its past.  And what's with the out-of-focus photo of a photo hanging on the wall?  A relative, perhaps.  Click on Hamburg Vacation Collection in labels to see more. 

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