Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Trips Album 5


This post is just the other side of the album page that I just put up.  The last post was frolicking in the ocean at Acapulco.  This one is ruins, ruins, and more ruins at Uxmal, an ancient Mayan city in southern Mexico.  And by the way, there is a misspelling in the caption.  It should be a corbeled arch, not "korbeled."  So, to see more click on The Trips Collection in labels to see what's been posted.  And by the way, there are a lot of pages in this album, so it will be a while before the whole album will be online.  

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Trips Album 4


Back to the trips album that I actually found in the garbage.  A few years ago, my computer died, and while the scanner wasn't affected, I lost the software and it was too old, so the manufacturer wasn't supporting it anymore, so there went the color correction setting.  Too bad, I'd love to see these photos closer to what they looked like when they came from the photo lab.  Anyway, a collection of family vacation photos from multiple locations and multiple years.  These are all from Mexico, and it looks like they drove from Los Angeles.  Well probably, since that's where I found the album.  Click on The Trips Collection in labels to see everything that's been posted.  

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Baby Boom


 I don't have an exact date when this photo was taken, but it looks like it's probably from the late forties through the early fifties, those years after World War 2 when all people wanted to do was embrace the ordinary.  And why wouldn't they.  

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Random Japanese Snapshots 7


This is probably the penultimate post from this collection.   To recap, I bought an envelope of snapshots from an eBay seller in Japan.  I have no idea if the photos are from the same source, or if the seller just threw a bunch of random snapshots together into a single lot.  Anyway, click on Random Japanese Snapshots Collection in labels to see the rest.