Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Music To My Ears 11

I guess I should have put this one up before the last one.  Same couple, same domestic scene, but clearly older.  From the fifties I'd guess, but who knows.  I think the quality might be a little off.  I did an update from Windows 10 and the control panel for my Epson scanner disappeared.  Apparently my older, perfectly acceptable scanner is no longer supported.  I'm able to make it work, but it looks like between Windows and Epson I'll have to buy a new one and like most housebound people my income is reduced.  Anyway, enough of my complaints.  Click on Music To My Ears in labels to see more.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Music To My Ears 10

It's time to return to this musical family collection.  Ii still don't know the real name versus the stage name of this lady and her husband and partner.   Anyway, from now to the end, no more stage shots, no more studio portraits no more pictures of our singer belting out a tune.  There is however a daughter.  Written on the back, "Xmas 1964."  And it's a Polaroid.  Click on Music To My Ears in labels at the bottom of the post to see more.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Party Hats

Bored looking people, smoking, drinking, funny hats and the family dog who wishes everybody would go home. 

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Purse Snatcher

Dated "MAY 1969, a bit out of focus and I think it's San Francisco.  At first I thought the guy was smoking, but after putting a magnifying glass on the print I realized that white mark near the man's lower lip was caused by dirt on the neg at the time of printing.  The big question is why is the guy riffling through a ladies handbag?  I think he might be a purse snatcher.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Back to the Beach For the Umpteenth Time

People love taking pictures of themselves and their friends and family at the beach.  I don't think they're wearing swimsuits, but I could be wrong.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


Dig that early bikini.  Wow, I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've posted something.