Saturday, June 1, 2024

Random Japanese Snapshots 8


Time to finish up this small collection.  To recap, I bought a small envelope of photos from an eBay seller in Japan.  Do they all come from the same source, or are they just a bunch of random snapshots packaged together?  Anyway, I didn't see any people showing up in multiple images, so I'm going with random.  This is the one thing I keep wondering.  How many of these photos were taken before the war, and how many after.   Considering how many Japanese citizens died in the war, it's likely that at least some of the pre-war photos show people who were dead within four or five years.  And a lot of people in these photos are pretty young.  The bottom photo in the column is of schoolgirls. Click on Random Japanese Snapshots Collection in labels to see all the photos in the collection. 

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