Tuesday, October 8, 2024



Poinciana is a tree, it's a small town in Florida, golf club, and a popular name for restaurants.  So, basically, I couldn't find anything telling me where this photo was taken.  Written on the back of the top photo, "June 1953."   

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Hold Still, Ladies


It looks like some photographer is chasing a couple of women down the street.  Of course, more than likely, the cameraman knows his female subjects.  I always search the background of photos for clues as to where and when the picture was taken, but no such luck here.  I suppose I could try to match hairstyles and clothes to an era, but I don't feel like doing the research.  Let's take a guess of the 1930s to 1940s.  Is that the photographer's thumb in the bottom photo? 

Friday, August 23, 2024

A Vacation in Hamburg 4


No, I haven't lost interest in this blog.  As I mentioned a few posts ago, money is tight right now, so I'm not buying a lot of old photos.  It's not that the actual photographs are all that expensive, but I buy a lot of my images at antique stores I pass on my way out of L.A., and I just can't afford to travel right now.  So, rather than letting things go too long, I'm returning to this small collection of true-found photographs.  Literally, I found them on the street.  A couple of these are dated "July 1989" so I'm going to assume they are all from the same year, if not the same month.  We've got some stylish young Germans in the top photo, and a couple of snapshots with murals painted on the walls.  I've speculated about this in an earlier post.  Much of Hamburg was destroyed in World War 2, and I was wondering if Hamburg was trying to evoke its past.  And what's with the out-of-focus photo of a photo hanging on the wall?  A relative, perhaps.  Click on Hamburg Vacation Collection in labels to see more. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

A Vacation in Hamburg 3


A brief return to a collection of true found photographs, literally found on the street.  Anyway, it looks like the interior of a Hamburg restaurant.  None of these photos have anything written on them, but a photo from an earlier post was dated 1989, so I'm sure these are from that year as well.  Click on Hamburg Vacation Collection in labels to see everything that's been posted.  Lots more to come, but there will be a bit of a wait. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Shadow Soldier


This is another of those throw-in photos that I end up with when I buy an envelope of photos and get a few that I'd never buy individually.  Anyway, as a former professional black & white printer it interests me a bit.  There's clearly detail in the subject's uniform and face, but whoever printed this didn't expose for what's really important.  

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Random Japanese Snapshots 8


Time to finish up this small collection.  To recap, I bought a small envelope of photos from an eBay seller in Japan.  Do they all come from the same source, or are they just a bunch of random snapshots packaged together?  Anyway, I didn't see any people showing up in multiple images, so I'm going with random.  This is the one thing I keep wondering.  How many of these photos were taken before the war, and how many after.   Considering how many Japanese citizens died in the war, it's likely that at least some of the pre-war photos show people who were dead within four or five years.  And a lot of people in these photos are pretty young.  The bottom photo in the column is of schoolgirls. Click on Random Japanese Snapshots Collection in labels to see all the photos in the collection. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Trips Album 5


This post is just the other side of the album page that I just put up.  The last post was frolicking in the ocean at Acapulco.  This one is ruins, ruins, and more ruins at Uxmal, an ancient Mayan city in southern Mexico.  And by the way, there is a misspelling in the caption.  It should be a corbeled arch, not "korbeled."  So, to see more click on The Trips Collection in labels to see what's been posted.  And by the way, there are a lot of pages in this album, so it will be a while before the whole album will be online.